As many of you know, we are getting The Big Bang Theory seasons from the library. By the way, the library is a great way to get caught up on TV shows that you were a little later than everyone else in realizing how terrific they are.
So, anyway, we are on season 2 now. During one of the episodes, Penny mentions to Sheldon that she has a Christmas gift for him and Leonard. Sheldon is immediately put off by this and wants to know why she is giving him a gift. Then, he voices his wondrous insight on Gift Giving. He explains how Penny has not given him a Gift, she has given him an Obligation! THIS IS SO TRUE!! I have felt this way for years! I love Christmas and the meaning behind celebrating the Birth of Jesus. But, I hate the gift giving among adults. Children, I understand. That's a big part of what Christmas is about to a child.
But, when it comes to adults, gift giving just causes undo stress at the Holidays. That's why, as an adult, I have come to enjoy Thanksgiving more than Christmas. I wish Christmas would be more about getting together with family and enjoying each other's company and not having to worry about finding gifts for everyone.
If you truly want to give someone a gift, no obligation in return. Then, that gift should be given at the time you find the item. Not stored away to give at a Holiday. I sometimes do this throughout the year. If I see something that I think someone would really enjoy, I get it for them. Then, I give it to them as a friend giving a gift. Not as a birthday gift, so that now they feel obligated to get me something on my birthday. Not as a Christmas gift, so that now they feel obligated to get me something for Christmas.
This year, my sister in law, Shannon, called the Salvation Army to find out about sponsoring a family for Christmas. Then, she came up with the terrific idea to have the adults help with sponsoring that whole family in lieu of exchanging gifts among the adults. This is a great idea! We can help a family in need and cross those names off the list of stressful Christmas shopping.
Sheldon may not be socially intelligent. But, I have to say he (the writer of this episode) sure did hit the nail on the head with this acumen! Please don't give me any more Obligations!