Thursday, January 26, 2012


Ok...So....Adele....I am wondering if people actually really like her music or do they just think they like it because the radio stations are constantly playing her?  Now, I grew up in the 80's screeching hair band decade.  So, you would think that I could handle music like Adele's that sounds like a cat got its tail slammed in a door.  But, come on!  It is just painful to hear.  Whenever her songs come on the radio, I look around my car for any sharp objects that I can jam into my ear to make it stop.  Alas, I don't have any....Luckily, I can just change the station.....


  1. Glad to hear that someone else feels the same way about her music!!!

    1. What sucks is that I have to try to time it right for her song to be over to get back to my morning radio show...Annoying!

    2. Odd how our taste in music changes as we get older. There are probably a lot of tweens and teens who think her music is "to die for". I felt the same way about rap and still do. I found myself saying the same things that the older generation said about rock n roll. "It isn't music, it's just screaming into a microphone. It has no feeling, just ranting and raving" etc.
      I don't know who Adele is, I'm probably better off for it. At sixty years old I now prefer talk radio. It reminds me of something I read in Reader's Digest when I was 16. "What are the teenagers of today coming to? Slowly but surely to the point where they too will ask the same question." I swore I would never forget that and as of yet I haven't.
